
Shakespeare Insult

Earlier today I happened upon this page, which is related to this page. Well, that just had to be turned into a bit of LSL, didn't it? Grab it and drop it into a prim and then touch it to get an insult. For bonus points attach the prim as a HUD to insult people around you.

// Shakespeare Insult. Written by Antony Fairport after seeing
// http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/shake_rule.html and feeling that it
// needed to be made into a script, fast.
// The three columns of parts of the insults.
list COLUMN1 = [
list COLUMN2 = [
list COLUMN3 = [
// Return a random integer.
integer IntRand( integer iMin, integer iMax )
return iMin + (integer) llFrand( iMax - iMin + 1 );
// Default state.
// Respond to a touch.
touch_start(integer total_number)
// Get random parts of the insult.
string s1 = llList2String( COLUMN1, IntRand( 0, llGetListLength( COLUMN1 ) - 1 ) );
string s2 = llList2String( COLUMN2, IntRand( 0, llGetListLength( COLUMN2 ) - 1 ) );
string s3 = llList2String( COLUMN3, IntRand( 0, llGetListLength( COLUMN3 ) - 1 ) );
// Say the insult.
llSay( 0, "Thou " + s1 + " " + s2 + " " + s3 + "!" );

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